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FireFTP is a Firefox plugin that allows you to upload files to and download files from your CAWeb folder.
Click here to download a pdf that tells you how to use it.
Of course, in the Connection window, you’ll fill in Fall2012 rather than Fall2010.
Notepad++ is a free text editor for Windows
Notepad++ is a free text editor program for Windows. It’s similar to Text Wrangler. Download it here.
ABC (Always Be Closing)
In HTML, almost all elements must be opened and then closed:
<a href="blahblah.html">....</a>
<div class = "clownbox">...</div>
If you don’t have both parts of the element, your page may not work correctly. It’s tough to keep track of this when you first start writing markup, but you will develop the ability to chase down stray tags very soon. (This is not the case in HTML and HTML5, but we’ll be closing our tags in this class)
Div element’s closing tags are hard to keep track of, because you can have divs inside divs inside divs, as you know, and then you end up with something like this:
Which closing </div> goes with which opening <div>? This is what I and many tidy coders do: when you close your div element, include a comment next to it that tells you what opening <div> it belongs to. For example,
<div id="clownbox">...
</div><!--end clownbox-->
The comment element: <!--Â -->
makes it so any text within them is visible in your code but not on the browser.
Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML
I love this book – it’s great reference for visual learners. Though it’s thick and heavy, it’s loaded with illustrations & photos and makes for a quick read.
Available from Amazon for about $20.