
Link to an External Style Sheet

Posted on: October 22nd, 2012

Here’s a screencast of my demo about linking to an external stylesheet. Apologies for the sketchy production quality. I’m a noob at video sorts of things.

This video is tiny in the screen, but you can make it fit to your monitor.

If you still have questions when you’re done, refer to our textbook, Learning Web Design, pages 300 – 302.

Textwrangler User Manual

Posted on: October 6th, 2012

Are you curious about how Textwrangler works? Probably not. But if you’re going to use it, at some point you will benefit by having the User Manual.

Here it is, in pdf format.

Textwrangler Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted on: October 4th, 2012

Gif or jif?

Posted on: September 28th, 2012

According to the Atlantic, via Gizmodo, it’s pronounced “jif” like the peanut butter. Because the folks at CompuServe, who invented the format, said so.

But I hear people say “gif” with a hard “g” sound all the time. That’s the way I’ve pronounced it over the years. I have been wrong all along.

What is the Internet Not?

Posted on: September 10th, 2012

“Series of tubes” is a phrase coined originally as an analogy by then-United States Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) to describe the Internet in the context of opposing network neutrality.[1] On June 28, 2006, he used this metaphor to criticize a proposed amendment to a committee bill. The amendment would have prohibited Internet service providers such as AT&T and Verizon Communications from charging fees to give some companies higher priority access to their networks or their customers. This metaphor has been widely ridiculed as demonstrating Stevens’s poor understanding of the Internet, despite the fact that he was in charge of regulating it.[2][3] ~ Wikipedia

In 2008, Stevens was indicted and convicted of failing to properly report gifts (this has nothing to do with the internet, but it’s interesting). He allegedly accepted $250,000 of home-improvement help from a contractor buddy.

After his conviction, some members of the Senate talked of having Stevens expelled. Throughout this time, Stevens maintained his innocence. But he lost the 2008 election so the point was moot.

A few months later, an FBI agent involved in the investigation of Stevens filed a whistleblower affidavit – the prosecution had withheld a fair amount of evidence that may have resulted in a verdict of “not guilty” if the jury had known about it. The trial judge called the prosecutor’s conduct “outrageous” and set aside the Stevens verdict.

In 2010, Stevens died in a plane crash north of Dillingham, Alaska.

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