Announcements +
the occasional rant


Posted on: August 27th, 2012

Hello students enrolled in Web Page Design!

This class is designed to help you learn the vocabulary of web  design, to get a solid background in web design fundamentals, and to create several basic web sites.

This will help you as designers because, frankly, much of print design is web-driven these days. Many marketing strategies function without  magazine ads or wrapping a bus. But they all include a website. The logos, illustrations, and layouts you conceive during your careers will benefit from knowing how those things will work on the web.

Opportunity Knocks

One of the sites you design for this class will be a portfolio where you’ll display  the other sites you create in this class.

I strongly suggest you use this opportunity to start creating a portfolio for professional use. Right this minute!

Having a website where clients and prospective employers can get a feel for your work is essential. It doesn’t have to be super-fancy. Some of the coolest professional web portfolios I’ve seen are very bare-bones — just the designer’s name and contact info, and thumbnails that link to larger examples of the work. But all the cool kids have one!

Ann Foley
[email protected]

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